Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I will be thankful

So I failed to post last night.  However, it wasn't my fault.  The laptop was on the fritz and we couldn't get internet explorer to work.  It kept shutting down.  So maybe I will post twice today, this morning and this evening.  We'll see!  Oh the suspense!

Emmett needed a morning nap today.  I guess he woke up earlier than I thought he did and didn't snooze back to sleep like he usually does.  He was absolutely freaking out, so I had to put him down even though that throws the rest of today's schedule all out of wack.  That bothers me, but there was no other alternative.  The poor boy had tears strreaming down his face because he just couldn't handle his own sleepiness. 

I'm making one of my favorite meals tonight, Tex-Mex Chicken in the crockpot.  I'm excited!  Yum!

I've been doing a lot of cleaning today.  After working 2 days in a row you would think I would just want to relax.  But no, on Wednesdays I get right to laundry and I just feel a need to start tidying up the house.  I guess its like re-nesting after being out of the nest for a while.  Oh how I miss the nest when I'm at work.  I really would be happy just staying home, but the extra money I'm making is really necessary.  I'm hoping to save as much as I can so that we can afford for me to have another baby and stay home again, hopefully a bit longer this time.  Ideally, until both kids are in school, but that will require some major changes to happen.

I want to get Emmett a sandbox.  We considered building one, but we think we want one that isn't so permanent in case we move in a few years.  I've been checking Craigslist for a used one, but haven't found one yet.  I have made a few good purchases off of Craigslist for things for Emmett and I've really saved a lot of money that way.  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I set a personal goal for myself that I have to really work hard at every day.  I am determined to live in the now.  I have a major problem with thinking too much about what I want for the future.  I want another baby, I want a bigger house with a nice yard, I want to be a stay-at-home mom again.  These are not unreasonable things to want out of life.  I don't want a mansion, I don't want diamonds, I don't want a fancy car, I don't want brand-name clothes.  I would like to travel, but that can wait.  Really everything I want revolves around family.  But right now, lets take inventory of what I currently have.  I have a wonderful husband who is supportive and a great father, I have a beautiful healthy baby boy who I just love to pieces, I have a nice warm house, I have a comfortable bed to sleep in every night, I have acceptable clothes, I have a reliable car that gets good gas mileage, and even though I don't want one, I have a job.  And that's just a few of the things I have that I am very thankful for.  I WILL be thankful for these things EVERY day.  I WILL TRY not to worry about the things that I want and don't have.

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