Thursday, March 24, 2011

I got my baby back baby back baby back!

Emmett seems to be back to his usual sweet self.  Yesterday he was great, only fussing during the typical fussy times of the day (nap time, diaper changes, coming in from playing outside, bedtime.)  But even during those times the fits he threw were minimal in comparison to the previous few days.  Today has been even better.  I think its a combination of having two really good nights of sleep and just feeling better in general.  He's still coughing some, but not nearly as much as he was.  I am relieved to find that it was due to the fact that he was sleepy and not feeling well, not that he was just entering a difficult phase.

He's really enjoying his ability to climb up on the couch or the chair and ottoman whenever he wants.  Sometimes he has still has a little trouble getting up and he just screams in frustration.  It makes me laugh because he gets so mad when he can't do something he wants to do.  I can't help it, its just such a huge overreaction that its comical.  But he's getting to the point where I can trust him again to leave him in the living room.  He can climb down safely and I don't have to worry about him falling.  I was able to get a bunch of cleaning done today while he watched Sesame Street.  Chris's grandparents are coming this weekend so I needed to get things ready for them.  They are staying through Tuesday so they can watch Emmett while I'm at work since Chris's mom and dad are going to be out of town.  I'm sure Emmett is going to love having them here.

Lately Emmett doesn't like it when I cut his food into bite-size pieces.  He wants the whole banana so he can take bites off of it just like big people do.  Problem is he takes bites that are too big and I have to worry about him choking.  Sometimes I have to stick a finger in his mouth and pull half the bite back out because he starts gagging on it.  And sometimes I get bit in the process.  We're working on using utensils, but I don't always have the patience necessary for that.  I know I have to let him make a mess sometimes in order for him to learn, but I don't like it.  And often times he plays with the utensils more than he eats with them.  He does really well eating yogurt with a spoon because it sticks well and doesn't drip much.  But sometimes he gets excited and starts waving the spoon and the yogurt goes everywhere.  That's when spoon time is over for that particular meal.  He's working on learning to stab bites with his fork and put them in his mouth, but that's pretty slow going for now.  Its going to take a bit more practice.  But he is well on his way to independent eating.

Well I think he may be waking up from him nap, finally.  He has taken really long naps the last few days, but I still think he's catching up from losing sleep while he wasn't feeling well.  Now to figure out what we're going to do to get out of the house this afternoon.

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