Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ok, so last night I didn't post either.  After putting Emmett to bed I came downstairs and immediately fell asleep on the couch, so I didn't get anything done.  I'm not sure why I was so tired.  I guess I overdid it with the cleaing yesterday.  But I got right back to it this morning, cleaning the master bathroom and the kitchen floor.  Emmett has his 15 month doctor's appointment this afternoon at 1:45.  Unfortunately when I made it he was taking 2 naps and that time was perfectly in between the two.  Now that's right in the middle of his usual one nap.  So just like yesterday, I put him down for a morning nap today.  I put him down a little later, around 11:00 so if he sleeps his usual hour and a half to 2 hours then he will be up in time to eat lunch and go.  Since I'm posting so often, there's really nothing else to be said right now.  But I am going to share some long overdue pictures!

This is Emmett and me all ready for the superbowl.  Too bad it ended up being a very bad game.  My Roethlisberger jersey did not bring me any luck that night.

Cheesing for the camera.

I love that furry jacket with the bear ears.  Cutest thing ever.

He loves this stuffed caterpillar he got for Christmas from Chris's Grandma.

He likes to wear it as a scarf and he puts in around my neck too.

Sometimes he gest tired and collapses in a pile of toys.

He looks adorable in his peacoat.  A gift from Dustin and Kristy.

Eating with his big boy fork.

Loving his penguin the balloon guy at Chili's made for him.

Drinking and driving.

One of the rare times Mommy let him play in the kitchen.  You can see why these times are rare.

New Hokie T-shirt.

And this is his mischievous look.  He makes this face when he's trying to see what trouble he can get into.

So those are the highlights of the last two months.  We have pictures from the trip to the Children's Museum, but none of those pictures are very good because he was just moving so fast the whole time it was impossible to capture him.  And most of the pictures are inside the house because I never remember to take pictures when we are out anywhere.  But that's my boy!  I can't really call him a baby anymore since he's so big.  He really is a little boy now.  Where did the time go?

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