Monday, February 28, 2011

Every night!

So my goal this week is to post every night.  Let's see what happens!

Today work was long.  We were really busy with calls.  And the weather was so nice, it was killing me to be sitting inside on the phone with stupid people.  And of course, as soon as I get home the weather turns bad.  It was really windy and started getting scary dark so I couldn't even take Emmett outside after his nap.  Bummer.

I am really unhappy with my appearance lately.  I want to cut my hair, and I mean get a significant amount cut off, but I'm afraid to.  Every time I try to get it cut I end up chickening out.  It doesn't help that the stylist always talks me out of it.  Everyone makes such a big deal about my "pretty long red curls" how could I possibly want to cut it?  I'm just tired of wearing it back in the same mom-friendly ponytail that I've been wearing it in since Emmett was born.  Maybe I will try donating it to Locks of Love so that I have to cut off a significant amount, that is if I have enough hair for that.  Besides my hair, I am not entirely happy with the extreme weight loss I've experienced since having Emmett.  I know, I know, I shouldn't complain, some people would give anything to lose weight.  But honestly, I didn't feel that I needed to lose weight.  I was happy being the curvy, voluptuous type.  I know I'm healthier at this weight, but I've lost a lot of weight in my chest, and I'm NOT happy about that.  And after breastfeeding they are losing the battle with gravity.  And its not like I'm too skinny by any means.  In fact, I still have too much extra weight around my stomach, and its even more apparent now that I've lost so much weight in other areas.  And the skin on my stomach hasn't really tightened up after being stretched out to the max, so that doesn't help.  I don't know why I'm suddently so upset about this considering I have never really had a very good self-image.  I have never viewed myself as attractive, I just strive to be acceptable at best.  I know a lot of women worry about losing their body after having a baby, and I always thought "Lucky me, I never had a good body to begin with so I don't have to worry about that!"  But here I am, worrying anyway.

See what happens when I post every day?  I have way too much time to rant about the small things rather than give an overview of the big picture.  So at the end of the week we will assess and decide if this goal has been a success or a failure for my blog.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Week

Emmett had a cold this week.  It started on Sunday and we're not sure where he got it from.  He fell asleep on the way to church, which is unusual for him since he gave up his morning nap.  Then we did all we could to keep him awake on the way home so that he could eat lunch and then take his nap when we got home.  He fussed a lot through lunch and didn't eat very well.  He took a good nap and then we went to some friends' house for dinner.  He had a good time there, running around their non-baby-proof house and wreaking havoc.  They have 4 cats, and he had fun chasing them around and playing with their cat toys.  He sneezed a few times when we were there, and we wondered if maybe he was developing a cat allergy.  That night he woke up a few times and his nose was snotty.  I still wasn't sure if it was a cold or allergies until it kept getting worse.  When he got up in morning he was definitely worse.  His nose was so stuffy he couldn't nurse very well (we are still nursing twice a day, just morning and bedtime).  I had to work a full day on Monday for our yearly celebration/state of the union thing, which meant I was gone longer than my usual 6 hour shift.  That killed me because he was feeling so bad.  Nana said he sat and laid on the couch a lot more than usual all day.  He only napped for about an hour, he has trouble sleeping when he can't breath through his nose.  I'm the same way.  He was really fussy through supper and after, so we put him to bed early.  He only woke up once, around 11:30 and I had to rock him back to sleep.  Poor baby was so miserable, I felt really bad for him.  I had to go to work again Tuesday, and he was still pretty stuffy.  His nose ran all day and we were constantly wiping it and trying not to rub his little nose raw.  He slept a little better Tuesday night.  Wednesday he was better, but still not himself.  He spent a lot of the day cuddling with me on the couch, which I have to admit I really appreciated.  He has never been one to sit on my lap for long ever since he became mobile.  He just goes constantly.  Of course I would rather he not be sick, but I enjoyed the cuddle time nonetheless.  He slept through the night Wednesday night, was much better yesterday, and today he's pretty much his normal self.  I have to admit he got over it pretty fast.  And, knock on wood, I still feel fine.  Chris has had a bit of a sore throat, but it still hasn't gotten any worse.  So here's to hoping it stops there. 

So we think Emmett has said his first word besides "Mama" and "Dada".  We were out at dinner on Tuesday night with Nana and Great-Grandma.  Chris got out a piece of cheese to give Emmett (he LOVES cheese with an unholy passion) and he started saying "Chee, chee."  He has done it a few times since then, whenever we get his cheese out.  We didn't even prompt him to say it, he saw the cheese and said it.  I know its not perfect, but its pretty close!  I try not to worry about the fact that he doesn't say very many intelligible words yet.  He babbles all the time, makes all kinds of noises that mean something to him.  I make a point to talk to him all the time and I read to him a lot too.  And I know he hears me talk plenty, because let's face it, I'm a talker.  And so is Chris.  Maybe the problem is that he can't get a word in edgewise...hehe.  But developmentally he has been right on par when it comes to most things, and really he is not out of the realm of normalcy for kids his age.  So I'm going to try not to worry about it.

I realized that its been almost 2 months since I took pictures off the camera and put them on the computer.  I guess I'm not taking quite as many as I used to.  At the end of the month I will post some new pictures.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Worn out

Had a good weekend.  This child has used up all the energy I have.

Friday night we went to the children's museum.  Emmett had a good time, but I think he was a little overwhelmed.  There is so much to do in there, and he was too young to appreciate a lot of it.  There was a group playing African drums when we first walked in.  There were kids dancing all over the place.  He went in the room and ran around a little bit.  He even shook one of the egg shakers they had for a little bit.  And then his attention span was done and he ran out of the room.  So it was off to the next room.  This room was full of giant foam blocks and a big loft to play in with trains.  Emmett wasn't sure what to do in there at first but when I took him up in the loft to play with the trains he really enjoyed it.  We had to move him on to the next room this time.  So then it was up the stairs.  The second floor had room that looked like a forest inside with a bridge in the theme of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  It also had a farm with play animals that were almost life size.  He ran in that room for a moment before running right back out.  I guess nothing in there interested him.  His attention was then captured by the racket coming from a room down the hall.  He followed the noise and found himself in a mock Krispy Kreme donut factory.  (Krispy Kreme donuts originated in Winston-Salem.)  This room seemed to be a favorite among the kids there.  It starts with a big conveyer belt where the kids can load plastic donuts and watch them go up toward the ceiling and fall into a bin below.  Then they go through the various steps of creation where there are wheels to turn and bins and boxes to put the donuts into.  Then you can load a Krispy Kreme donut truck and deliver the donuts.  Emmett was fascinated, more by the other kids than the actual donut factory and its workings.  Some of the kids were bigger and quite rambunctious and he just about got knocked down a few times.  We decided to move him on.  The next room was a mock Food Lion store (Food Lion orginated in NC but I'm not sure which city, maybe even Salisbury where the corporate office is.)  It had shelves of play groceries and kid-sized shopping carts.  Emmett pushed one of the carts around for a while and pulled food off the shelves.  There were also checkout lines at the end to purchase your groceries.  I have a feeling Emmett will really like that when he gets a bit older.  The last room had an animal theme with animal statues in the shape of letters.  There was also a vet's office where kids could pretend to care for sick animals.  But I think his favorite part of this room was the air tubes, a series of clear tubes snaked back and forth and up and down from floor to ceiling through which air would blow.  The kids could stuff bright colored scarves into the tubes and watch them blow through the maze of tubes, pop out at the top and float to the floor.  Emmett could have done that all night, but we could see that he was dead on his feet.  We started leading him back toward the stairs to head out but this time he wanted to stop in the forest room and the farm.  He rode the horse and trip trapped over The Three Billy Goats Gruffs' bridge.  Then we really had to call it a night.  He didn't even complain as we picked him up and carried him out since he was so worn out.  We decided we would go back again when he is a bit older, but it was still a good time.  He went to bed easily and fell asleep quickly.

Saturday morning I had to go to work, which is Daddy and Emmett time every week.  I got home at lunchtime and then Chris had a basketball game to go to with some customers from work.  So after Emmett woke up from his nap we headed to the park because the weather was nice.  He played in the sand with a 2 year old boy, swang a little bit, and did a lot of running around.  When we were both tired we headed home for dinner.  Chris got home just before bedtime so Emmett had a little while to play with Daddy.  And again, he went to bed easily and fell asleep quickly.

This morning we got up and went to church, the second sunday in a row!  Now that Emmett has given up his morning nap it makes it so much easier to go.  He used to be so cranky because church was right in the middle of his nap time.  And then he wouldn't take a good nap afterwards because it wasn't his usual schedule.  So for a while it just wasn't worth it.  But now I am hoping to get right back into the routine again, which also includes getting our financial contribution back on track as well.  I worry a lot about money, as much as I try not to, and whenever I talk to God about it I get the same basic message.  I am reminded of a Bible verse that says something about whatever you give to God will come back to you tenfold.  I don't know the book or the chapter or the verse, but I know it from some lesson in my past.  Despite what you believe, you have to give in order to receive, that's just life.  And now that I'm working again, part of what I earn I will give to God.  And I will give with a joyful heart.

This evening we had dinner at some friends' house who don't have kids.  Wow, chasing Emmett around trying to keep him out of everything was exhausting.  We sometimes visit another couple we know and its the same thing.  We are only ever there a few hours, but by the time we leave we are ALL ready.  And its such a relief to come home to our baby-proof living room where Emmett can run free and we can relax.  But its worth going to interact with other adults. 

Tomorrow will be a long day at work, a full length day that I am obligated to attend.  I am not looking forward to it.  There is a reason that I am a part-time employee, and its hard for me to be gone that long.  At least its only one day.

So here's to a great weekend and the week ahead!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Work sucks, I know

Well it didn't take long.  I already hate work again.  I wish I didn't need to work.  I wish that all the time.  But that wish isn't coming true.  I hate money.  It truly is the root of all evil.  Next!

Had a pretty good weekend.  Spent it with my boys, the big one and the little one.  Didn't do much, a little shopping.  I'm in need of new bras.  I'm no longer nursing during the daytime hours so I really don't need to wear my nursing bras except first thing in the morning and in the evening when Emmett goes to bed.  The nighttime nursing bras will work for that.  And none of my old bras fit me anymore.  I have lost almost 30 pounds since before I got pregnant, and unfortunately that took me down a cup size.  I am a C...a friggin C!  I haven't been a C cup since like 9th grade.  And every bra I try on just seems to flatten them out and make them seem even smaller.  I know I'm healthier at my current weight.  I even feel like I look better in pictures.  But I miss my curves a little bit.  And I feel saggy in a lot of areas.  I know that thinner is supposed to be better, but I'm having a hard time getting used to this.  Who would have thought that simply breastfeeding and being poor would make this much difference.  I think I actually want to make an effort to put a little of the weight back on.  I made some progress toward that goal on Saturday night when we made chocolate fondue, a Valentine's Day tradition of ours.  We also drank some good ol' Andre Spumante, my favorite cheap champagne.  It was yummy.  Next!

Emmett is officially down to one nap.  And its working out great.  He doesn't get cranky during the day at all, just sometimes acts a little sleepy around 11:00 AM when he used to be napping.  But now he eats lunch at noon and usually gets sleepy around 1:00 and he goes down for his nap with zero fuss.  He then sleeps around 2 hours usually, occasionally he may stretch it to almost 3 hours.  And he goes to bed easily too around 9:00, falls asleep in about 5 minutes or two lullabies.  Sleeps til almost 8:00 some mornings.  I'm getting used to it and I think I like it.  He really cracks me up lately.  He has a thing about putting things in his ears, especially food.  We have to check his ears before we get him out of his highchair.  He still isn't saying any intelligible words besides "Mama" and "Dada", but I'm not worried about it.  He will talk when he's ready to.  He babbles a lot and makes his own little Emmett sounds that are absolutely adorable.  He can walk fast enough now that I would call it running sometimes.  His attention span has quadrupled lately and he will actually sit on my lap or on the couch beside me and let me read whole books to him, sometimes multiple books in a row.  He loves being outside.  When the weather gets nice we won't be able to keep him inside.  The last couple of days have been really warm and so we've walked around outside our house a lot, picking up rocks and leaves and things and throwing golf balls around that he found in the garage.  He isn't interested in any toys I try to bring outside like a kick ball. 

Yesterday we learned that he is a pretty tough kid.  We were walking up and down the road in the part of our neighborhood where there's no traffic and he got to running a bit too fast downhill and fell down and bumped his head on the pavement and scraped up his pinky finger.  His head had a good sized bump and his pinky was bleeding.  He cried pretty hard for about a minute with tears streaming down his face while Daddy carried him back to the house.  And then he just sucked it up and got over it.  He didn't even cry when we washed his hand with soap and water, mostly because he was enjoying playing in the water.  We both felt bad that neither of us was able to catch him before he fell, but we know that he's going to get hurt sometimes and we won't always be able to catch him.  Its still isn't easy to see your baby hurt.

I miss teaching lately.  I think I must be losing my mind or something.  Especially because I'm considering teaching little kids preschoolers.  Wow...yeah, I dunno.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just as I suspected

I knew my blog was going to suffer since I went back to work.  I really hate that.  I vow to do better.

So my baby boy is 14 months old now, as of January 30th.  He is really not a baby anymore, he is a little boy.  Surprisingly though, I don't feel sad about that like I used to.  Maybe after a year my hormones have finally calmed down, because I swear I did nothing but cry his entire first year of life.  If I really let myself think too much I can get a little weepy about not having a baby anymore.  But pretty soon I am going to be ready to start trying for baby number two, so I think that helps.  Who knows what I'll be like next time, knowing it will be my last baby.  I am quite certain I don't want any more than two.  The idea of the kids outnumbering the parents makes me a little nervous.  And I want a girl so bad it hurts.  When I'm out I see families that have a boy and a girl and I feel jealous even though we're not even there yet.  I am trying to be realistic and prepare myself for the fact that we could have another boy.  And that wouldn't be the worst thing.  I have loved every moment with my sweet baby boy, the hugs and kisses and snuggles.  I would love having another boy as well.  I would have an excuse to use all of Emmett's most adorable outfits all over again.  I have made a rule for myself that I am not allowed to start trying again until I am at a healthy place where I would be happy with another baby, boy or girl.  We'll see.

Work is still going ok.  Its nice to get a paycheck (I get my second one this Friday).  But I still wish I could be at home with Emmett every day.  I don't enjoy my job, I didn't before I left either.  I like helping people, but I don't always have the patience for the stupidity of the general public.  And no, not everyone I talk to is stupid, but most of the people who feel the need to call their credit union on a regular basis are.  In this day and age, if you can't figure out how to do the vast majority of your finances on your own, then you are probably stupid.  And then I'm encouraged and required to take advantage of these people, all in the name of "consultative sales."  I hate sales.  Its not like I didn't know what I was getting into.  I went back to the exact same position I left.  But no other job would have let me choose my own hours the way this place did.  If I ever do go back to work full time, the only thing I know for sure is that I will NOT work in sales ever again.  I actually plan to go back into education in some capacity, I'm just pretty sure I don't want to be a classroom teacher ever again.  I'm thinking about either subbing or being a teacher assistant.  How ridiculous would it be for someone with a Masters in Education to be a teacher assistant?  But that's what I want.  I like kids, I just don't like the ridiculous expectations that are put on teachers.  If I were a sub or a teacher assistant, I would be able to leave work as soon as the kids are on the bus.  I wouldn't have to stay after school for meetings, I wouldn't have any lesson plans or grading to do.  Of course the pay is significantly less, but there's no dollar sign on peace of mind.  It will be perfect once I have kids of school age.

Well that's a little of what's on my mind today.  I can't look at this computer screen any longer, I'm already getting a headache.