Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Week

Emmett had a cold this week.  It started on Sunday and we're not sure where he got it from.  He fell asleep on the way to church, which is unusual for him since he gave up his morning nap.  Then we did all we could to keep him awake on the way home so that he could eat lunch and then take his nap when we got home.  He fussed a lot through lunch and didn't eat very well.  He took a good nap and then we went to some friends' house for dinner.  He had a good time there, running around their non-baby-proof house and wreaking havoc.  They have 4 cats, and he had fun chasing them around and playing with their cat toys.  He sneezed a few times when we were there, and we wondered if maybe he was developing a cat allergy.  That night he woke up a few times and his nose was snotty.  I still wasn't sure if it was a cold or allergies until it kept getting worse.  When he got up in morning he was definitely worse.  His nose was so stuffy he couldn't nurse very well (we are still nursing twice a day, just morning and bedtime).  I had to work a full day on Monday for our yearly celebration/state of the union thing, which meant I was gone longer than my usual 6 hour shift.  That killed me because he was feeling so bad.  Nana said he sat and laid on the couch a lot more than usual all day.  He only napped for about an hour, he has trouble sleeping when he can't breath through his nose.  I'm the same way.  He was really fussy through supper and after, so we put him to bed early.  He only woke up once, around 11:30 and I had to rock him back to sleep.  Poor baby was so miserable, I felt really bad for him.  I had to go to work again Tuesday, and he was still pretty stuffy.  His nose ran all day and we were constantly wiping it and trying not to rub his little nose raw.  He slept a little better Tuesday night.  Wednesday he was better, but still not himself.  He spent a lot of the day cuddling with me on the couch, which I have to admit I really appreciated.  He has never been one to sit on my lap for long ever since he became mobile.  He just goes constantly.  Of course I would rather he not be sick, but I enjoyed the cuddle time nonetheless.  He slept through the night Wednesday night, was much better yesterday, and today he's pretty much his normal self.  I have to admit he got over it pretty fast.  And, knock on wood, I still feel fine.  Chris has had a bit of a sore throat, but it still hasn't gotten any worse.  So here's to hoping it stops there. 

So we think Emmett has said his first word besides "Mama" and "Dada".  We were out at dinner on Tuesday night with Nana and Great-Grandma.  Chris got out a piece of cheese to give Emmett (he LOVES cheese with an unholy passion) and he started saying "Chee, chee."  He has done it a few times since then, whenever we get his cheese out.  We didn't even prompt him to say it, he saw the cheese and said it.  I know its not perfect, but its pretty close!  I try not to worry about the fact that he doesn't say very many intelligible words yet.  He babbles all the time, makes all kinds of noises that mean something to him.  I make a point to talk to him all the time and I read to him a lot too.  And I know he hears me talk plenty, because let's face it, I'm a talker.  And so is Chris.  Maybe the problem is that he can't get a word in edgewise...hehe.  But developmentally he has been right on par when it comes to most things, and really he is not out of the realm of normalcy for kids his age.  So I'm going to try not to worry about it.

I realized that its been almost 2 months since I took pictures off the camera and put them on the computer.  I guess I'm not taking quite as many as I used to.  At the end of the month I will post some new pictures.

1 comment:

  1. stephen is 21 months old and he still isn't really saying any intelligible words. we read to him and talk to him all the time too, and it's clear that he understands most of what we say, so we don't worry about it too much. i guess they'll start talking when they're ready!
