Monday, February 14, 2011

Work sucks, I know

Well it didn't take long.  I already hate work again.  I wish I didn't need to work.  I wish that all the time.  But that wish isn't coming true.  I hate money.  It truly is the root of all evil.  Next!

Had a pretty good weekend.  Spent it with my boys, the big one and the little one.  Didn't do much, a little shopping.  I'm in need of new bras.  I'm no longer nursing during the daytime hours so I really don't need to wear my nursing bras except first thing in the morning and in the evening when Emmett goes to bed.  The nighttime nursing bras will work for that.  And none of my old bras fit me anymore.  I have lost almost 30 pounds since before I got pregnant, and unfortunately that took me down a cup size.  I am a C...a friggin C!  I haven't been a C cup since like 9th grade.  And every bra I try on just seems to flatten them out and make them seem even smaller.  I know I'm healthier at my current weight.  I even feel like I look better in pictures.  But I miss my curves a little bit.  And I feel saggy in a lot of areas.  I know that thinner is supposed to be better, but I'm having a hard time getting used to this.  Who would have thought that simply breastfeeding and being poor would make this much difference.  I think I actually want to make an effort to put a little of the weight back on.  I made some progress toward that goal on Saturday night when we made chocolate fondue, a Valentine's Day tradition of ours.  We also drank some good ol' Andre Spumante, my favorite cheap champagne.  It was yummy.  Next!

Emmett is officially down to one nap.  And its working out great.  He doesn't get cranky during the day at all, just sometimes acts a little sleepy around 11:00 AM when he used to be napping.  But now he eats lunch at noon and usually gets sleepy around 1:00 and he goes down for his nap with zero fuss.  He then sleeps around 2 hours usually, occasionally he may stretch it to almost 3 hours.  And he goes to bed easily too around 9:00, falls asleep in about 5 minutes or two lullabies.  Sleeps til almost 8:00 some mornings.  I'm getting used to it and I think I like it.  He really cracks me up lately.  He has a thing about putting things in his ears, especially food.  We have to check his ears before we get him out of his highchair.  He still isn't saying any intelligible words besides "Mama" and "Dada", but I'm not worried about it.  He will talk when he's ready to.  He babbles a lot and makes his own little Emmett sounds that are absolutely adorable.  He can walk fast enough now that I would call it running sometimes.  His attention span has quadrupled lately and he will actually sit on my lap or on the couch beside me and let me read whole books to him, sometimes multiple books in a row.  He loves being outside.  When the weather gets nice we won't be able to keep him inside.  The last couple of days have been really warm and so we've walked around outside our house a lot, picking up rocks and leaves and things and throwing golf balls around that he found in the garage.  He isn't interested in any toys I try to bring outside like a kick ball. 

Yesterday we learned that he is a pretty tough kid.  We were walking up and down the road in the part of our neighborhood where there's no traffic and he got to running a bit too fast downhill and fell down and bumped his head on the pavement and scraped up his pinky finger.  His head had a good sized bump and his pinky was bleeding.  He cried pretty hard for about a minute with tears streaming down his face while Daddy carried him back to the house.  And then he just sucked it up and got over it.  He didn't even cry when we washed his hand with soap and water, mostly because he was enjoying playing in the water.  We both felt bad that neither of us was able to catch him before he fell, but we know that he's going to get hurt sometimes and we won't always be able to catch him.  Its still isn't easy to see your baby hurt.

I miss teaching lately.  I think I must be losing my mind or something.  Especially because I'm considering teaching little kids preschoolers.  Wow...yeah, I dunno.

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