Sunday, February 20, 2011

Worn out

Had a good weekend.  This child has used up all the energy I have.

Friday night we went to the children's museum.  Emmett had a good time, but I think he was a little overwhelmed.  There is so much to do in there, and he was too young to appreciate a lot of it.  There was a group playing African drums when we first walked in.  There were kids dancing all over the place.  He went in the room and ran around a little bit.  He even shook one of the egg shakers they had for a little bit.  And then his attention span was done and he ran out of the room.  So it was off to the next room.  This room was full of giant foam blocks and a big loft to play in with trains.  Emmett wasn't sure what to do in there at first but when I took him up in the loft to play with the trains he really enjoyed it.  We had to move him on to the next room this time.  So then it was up the stairs.  The second floor had room that looked like a forest inside with a bridge in the theme of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  It also had a farm with play animals that were almost life size.  He ran in that room for a moment before running right back out.  I guess nothing in there interested him.  His attention was then captured by the racket coming from a room down the hall.  He followed the noise and found himself in a mock Krispy Kreme donut factory.  (Krispy Kreme donuts originated in Winston-Salem.)  This room seemed to be a favorite among the kids there.  It starts with a big conveyer belt where the kids can load plastic donuts and watch them go up toward the ceiling and fall into a bin below.  Then they go through the various steps of creation where there are wheels to turn and bins and boxes to put the donuts into.  Then you can load a Krispy Kreme donut truck and deliver the donuts.  Emmett was fascinated, more by the other kids than the actual donut factory and its workings.  Some of the kids were bigger and quite rambunctious and he just about got knocked down a few times.  We decided to move him on.  The next room was a mock Food Lion store (Food Lion orginated in NC but I'm not sure which city, maybe even Salisbury where the corporate office is.)  It had shelves of play groceries and kid-sized shopping carts.  Emmett pushed one of the carts around for a while and pulled food off the shelves.  There were also checkout lines at the end to purchase your groceries.  I have a feeling Emmett will really like that when he gets a bit older.  The last room had an animal theme with animal statues in the shape of letters.  There was also a vet's office where kids could pretend to care for sick animals.  But I think his favorite part of this room was the air tubes, a series of clear tubes snaked back and forth and up and down from floor to ceiling through which air would blow.  The kids could stuff bright colored scarves into the tubes and watch them blow through the maze of tubes, pop out at the top and float to the floor.  Emmett could have done that all night, but we could see that he was dead on his feet.  We started leading him back toward the stairs to head out but this time he wanted to stop in the forest room and the farm.  He rode the horse and trip trapped over The Three Billy Goats Gruffs' bridge.  Then we really had to call it a night.  He didn't even complain as we picked him up and carried him out since he was so worn out.  We decided we would go back again when he is a bit older, but it was still a good time.  He went to bed easily and fell asleep quickly.

Saturday morning I had to go to work, which is Daddy and Emmett time every week.  I got home at lunchtime and then Chris had a basketball game to go to with some customers from work.  So after Emmett woke up from his nap we headed to the park because the weather was nice.  He played in the sand with a 2 year old boy, swang a little bit, and did a lot of running around.  When we were both tired we headed home for dinner.  Chris got home just before bedtime so Emmett had a little while to play with Daddy.  And again, he went to bed easily and fell asleep quickly.

This morning we got up and went to church, the second sunday in a row!  Now that Emmett has given up his morning nap it makes it so much easier to go.  He used to be so cranky because church was right in the middle of his nap time.  And then he wouldn't take a good nap afterwards because it wasn't his usual schedule.  So for a while it just wasn't worth it.  But now I am hoping to get right back into the routine again, which also includes getting our financial contribution back on track as well.  I worry a lot about money, as much as I try not to, and whenever I talk to God about it I get the same basic message.  I am reminded of a Bible verse that says something about whatever you give to God will come back to you tenfold.  I don't know the book or the chapter or the verse, but I know it from some lesson in my past.  Despite what you believe, you have to give in order to receive, that's just life.  And now that I'm working again, part of what I earn I will give to God.  And I will give with a joyful heart.

This evening we had dinner at some friends' house who don't have kids.  Wow, chasing Emmett around trying to keep him out of everything was exhausting.  We sometimes visit another couple we know and its the same thing.  We are only ever there a few hours, but by the time we leave we are ALL ready.  And its such a relief to come home to our baby-proof living room where Emmett can run free and we can relax.  But its worth going to interact with other adults. 

Tomorrow will be a long day at work, a full length day that I am obligated to attend.  I am not looking forward to it.  There is a reason that I am a part-time employee, and its hard for me to be gone that long.  At least its only one day.

So here's to a great weekend and the week ahead!

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