Friday, August 20, 2010

Its just...hard sometimes

Yesterday was one of those days where motherhood was making me want to pull my hair out.  First of all, it was a crappy rainy day.  Emmett woke up around 6:30 as he usually does when Chris gets up.  He was too awake to go back to sleep after eating, but all morning he just acted sleepy and fussy.  His morning nap was about an hour and a half, which was fine because we needed to meet my friend Lisa at 11:30 for lunch.  It was great to see her, because it had been a while.  I also saw some other people I used to work with, and that was interesting.  I expected I would because the restaurant we went to was a popular spot for lunch at my old office.  People commented that I looked good...its like people are just waiting to see if you lost your baby weight or not.  Thank goodness I have, although my eyebrows were in desperate need of a waxing, but I'm sure I was the only one who was aware of that, as I'm lucky to have very light facial hair.  Emmett was very good during lunch, smiling and flirting with everyone in the restaurant, as he usually does. 

After lunch we went home and played for a while and he started getting very fussy and sleepy, so I put him down for his nap.  Then the cable guy came to fix our digital phone that went out Tuesday evening.  He was as quiet as he could be for me, but Emmett woke up early due to the commotion.  The time between his afternoon nap and when Chris gets home from work is the hardest part of the day for me.  I'm usually tired by then and ready for Chris to help me wrangle our excessively mobile child.  And of course, he got out of work late as he does most of the time and I was just ready to lose it.  I'm not sure I can even explain why I was so tired and frustrated.  Looking back there's no good reason really.  But Chris took pity on me and let me run out after supper to go get my eyebrows waxed so that I could have just a few moments to myself.  You know, its rare for me to EVER feel like I need a break from Emmett.  Since the day he was born I have not wanted to be away from him.  Not because I am overprotective and afraid to leave him with anyone, and not because I am afraid he will miss me or not be ok without me (so far he doesn't even care if I leave the room), but because I truly love being with my son.  I was only gone for about 40 minutes, but as soon as I pulled out of the driveway I couldn't wait to get back to be with him.   

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