Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another day...

Well the biting issue is still off and on.  Luckily he is not biting as hard as he was, and I'm also able to recognize the signs when he is going to and stop him in time.  The little bugger is just impatient when milk doesn't let down right away.  And he thinks its funny.  So yeah, try teaching any lesson to an 8 month old.  He is still sleeping pretty good, doesn't usually wake up at night, at least not long enough that I have to intervene.  Still wakes up earlier than I would like, but I'll take what I can get.

Had a great weekend at HOME for a change, just the three of us.  We didn't do much of anything, except some shopping on Saturday.  We went to Once Upon a Child and got Emmet a couple of new toys for cheap.  We got him a Fisher-price Little Superstar Jammin' Band Musical Microphone that was in really good shape for only $10 (its $50 new).  He loves it!  He can pull up on it and stand and it has piano keys, a guitar, a drum, and a microphone that lights up when he makes any noise into it.  It was a great buy.  We also got some Leapfrog fridge magnet letters for him that come with an electronic thing that you stick the letters into that sings a song with the letter name and its sound.  He loves those too, and it gives him something to play with in the kitchen while I'm cooking. 

Through most of his ealry months, E didn't follow much of a schedule.  He slept when he was tired and ate when he was hungry or every 2-3 hours, which ever came first.  He used to take like five 30 minutes naps a day and seemed sleepy all the time.  He would only nap in his little chair.  Around 6 months he finally started taking 2 naps a day in his crib that were between 1.5 and 2 hours long at certain times a day.  Now that he has a set schedule I sometimes wish he didn't.  I am too much of a slave to his schedule now, worrying that if we keep him out past his naptime that he will be cranky or not sleep well at night.  I used to love that he would fall asleep in the car all the time, and now I'm afraid he will and then not take a nap.  I know its good for babies to have a predictable schedule, but sometimes I think it causes me extra stress.  I guess he will eventually only take one nap a day and then we will have a little more freedom.  But by then we might be getting close to baby number 2.  No, I'm not pregnant again, and no, we are not trying...yet.  I am trying to decide when to have another and really struggling with the timing.  I always thought I wanted my kids to be close in age like my brother and I are, but I would need to be pregnant again right now to achieve that, and um...no, I am just not ready yet.  So, do I want them to be within 2 years apart so they will get along better, or do I want to space them out more so that its easier for me when they are young?  Do I want 2 in diapers at once?  Will I be able to give the 2nd baby the attention they deserve if we do it too soon?  Decisions, decisions.  And that brings me to another subject, gender selection, which I will not address at this time.  I'll save that for another post because I'm sure that will be good and controversial.

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