Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What goes around comes around

In this case I'm talking about a cold.  Chris had it first, then Emmett caught it.  I thought I was in the clear when my throat started to hurt.  And even Nana and Great Grandma caught it when they came to watch him for me last Friday.  So far mine isn't too bad.  Emmett's was awful, for about 3 days he couldn't breath through his nose at all and his nose ran like a faucet.  And all the wiping caused his poor little nose to get sore along with his cheeks where he kept wiping the snot across his face during the night.  He didn't sleep well for a few nights.  He's getting better now, he can breath again but he's coughing some.  So far I just have a slight runny nose and a sore throat.  Only one side of my nose has been partially blocked, so I consider that a victory.  Having a stuffy nose is about the worst thing I can imagine.  It makes me contemplate whether or not life is worth living.  Of course that's an exageration, but only slightly.  However, adding the experience of giving birth to your list of life experiences sure puts things into perspective.  I would much rather have a stuffy nose than go through labor again.  Labor was about the worst thing I've ever gone through in my entire life, but with the absolute best result.  Its a good thing that becoming a mother is such a wonderful experience emotionally, otherwise no one would ever go through with it more than once.  But we are all on the mend and hopefully we will all be back to normal soon.

I'm excited about the holidays coming up.  I love Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I love getting together with family most of all, and the food is a close second.  Its funny how when you're a kid, all you can think about is presents.  I really don't care about that anymore.  People ask me what I want for Christmas and I usually have to think really hard to find anything.  Its a little easier now that we've been going without a bit more.  When you're on a tight household budget and you can't just buy yourself whatever you want whenever you want it, you tend to keep a little list of things in the back of your mind that you would like to have.  But sometimes you get so used to not indulging that you can't even get in the mindset of thinking about wants.  And once you're a parent, you don't think about yourself the same way anymore.  You think more about your child and what they need and want.  I am excited about Emmett's birthday the end of the month and about his Christmas this year since he should be in prime age to rip and tear into gifts.  Unfortunately he does have a terrible birthday, just a month before Christmas.  I guess it could be closer to Christmas which would be worse, but I just wish it was better spaced out.  I always thought my birthday in July was a good time of year for it, except for the fact that I never got to celebrate my birthday at school.  I guess I should be more glad that I never had to go to school on my birthday.  When Emmett is in school, if his birthday falls on a school day, I am definitely pulling him out to do something fun.  He can take his cupcakes to school the day after.

Speaking of birthdays, of course I have to comment on the fact that my baby boy will be two years old, and really really not a baby anymore this year.  The time feels like it has flown by.  My life never used to move so fast until Emmett was born.  Now its like I'm struggling to catch up, yelling "Wait!!" as the pages of the calendar flip by and I'm powerless to stop it.  Every time I catch myself getting frustrated with Emmett for any reason, wishing that he would get over a certain difficult phase, I try to stop and take a step back.  When he throws himself on the floor and throws a massive fit because he wants another snack when its only half an hour until dinner time, I just try to remember that sooner than later, he will be too big to cry over such little things.  And eventually he won't blow me kisses anymore, or kiss me on the knee (he's so random).  Even the worst nights of his cold, when he would wake up crying because he couldn't breathe and I had to rock him until he fell back asleep, I reminded myself that rocking him to sleep will only be possible for a little while.  Life will only be this way for a little while, and I'm thankful for every moment.

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