Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Halloween was fun this year.  Emmett chose his own costume this year, Wilson from Chuggington.  Chuggington has become one of his favorite shows because it feeds his obssession with trains.  When we held up the costume in front of him in the store he smiled really big and held out his arms for it.  Surprisingly he even wanted to wear the hat that went with it.  He modeled it for the first time at Nana and Pawpaw's house this weekend.  Here he is:

It took him a little while to understand the concept of trick or treating, but once he did, we couldn't get him to stop.  He even tried to go back to houses we had already visited, and I kept telling him that was bad form.  We tried to get him to say "trick or treat" but the all he would say was "treat."  And he managed to say his version of thank you at a few houses, which really sounds like "gagoo."  It was chilly, so we only stayed out maybe an hour before we finally managed to convince him to go inside.  He followed a group of kids up to our house and took candy right from the bowl that Daddy held out, and I swear, he had no idea it was our house.  He was like a trick or treating machine.  We ended up running out of candy around 8:00 so we shut off our porch light.  And Emmett usually takes his bath around 8:30 anyway.  As we were about to put him to bed, one last group was ringing the doorbell and pounding on the door.  Eventually they went away, and that was the last of them.

Oh, a funny little story about Emmett and Halloween...Pawpaw kept saying to him "trick or treat, smell my feet" and Emmett would actually walk over and smell his feet.  It was hilarious, and of course the more we laughed, the more he did it.  Silly kid.

And another story about Emmett, this one not at all related to Halloween...Emmett now recognizes people by the vehicle they drive.  He sees a white mercedes SUV and he says "Pawpaw?" because that is the exact vehicle Chris's dad drives.  After last weekend when my parents were here we were outside and a blue Nissan Altima drove by.  Emmett says "Grandpa?"  And we were at the mall last week and he saw a silver Toyota Tacoma and he says "Daddy truck!" which is just what Chris drives.  I'm rather impressed with that.  He loves vehicles of all kinds, I just can't believe he can distinguish between actual makes and models of them.  What a cool kid!  I just love him!

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