Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dum dum duh dum...

That's to the tune of here comes the bride...because we spent the weekend at the beach for a wedding!  My best friend-in-law (that would be my husband's best friend - I stole this term from Randi) got married this weekend down in Southport, NC.  Chris's grandparents have a house on Oak Island which is about 15 minutes away from Southport so it was quite convenient.  It was a beautiful wedding.  The venue was actually the very type of thing I was looking for when I got married but just couldn't find.  The place looked like (and probably used to be) an old plantation house with a porch facing the Cape Fear River.  There is a deck overlooking the beach in the shade of some gorgeous old live oaks where the bride and groom took their vows.  Chris was the best man and looked awesome in his black tuxedo with a royal blue vest and necktie.  The bridesmaids wore royal blue tea length dresses with a thin white bow at the empire waist.  The groom wore a black tuxedo with a black vest and necktie.  The bride's dress was a princess style skirt with a fitted bodice and plenty of swirly, sparkly frills.  And Emmett wore a black onesie with a tuxedo printed on it and a pair of black pants.  He was adorable!  Everyone said so.  People just go on and on about how gorgeous he is.  I know I'm biased, but everywhere we go people fawn all over him, so I know its true.  Everything went off without a hitch.  I've never seen a wedding where nothing went wrong before, but unless there was something I didn't know about, this one was about perfect.  It was pretty hot since the wedding was at 3:00, the hottest part of the day.  I mostly stood back under the shade of the porch to keep Emmett out of the sun.  He was a trooper, but he is in a stage where he doesn't want to be held for very long, he wants to get down and crawl around and pull up, and there was just nowhere for him to do that.  The reception was inside and it was nice and cool in there, but still nowhere that Emmett could get down.  Not to mention that 3:00 is Emmett's usual naptime, so he was getting a bit cranky.  Chris's grandparents were at the wedding with us so we ended up taking Emmett home early.  I pumped a bottle for them to give him at bedtime and I went back to the reception.  That was really hard because I have been the one to put him to bed every single night of his entire life; no one else has ever done it.  He put up quite a fuss at first, but they managed to get him down to bed with the help of the swing, which actually made me happy.  I would have been insulted if he went to bed for them with no problem.  And I had a good time at the reception.  I was able to have a few glasses of wine for a change since I knew I wouldn't be nursing the baby that night.  And alcohol is important for me to be able to dance, and dance I did.  I was exhausted by the end of the evening, but I felt great. 

We were at the beach for 4 days, but we never actually put on bathing suits and went to the beach.  We were just so busy with the wedding it never happened.  But I'm ok with that, because we had plenty of other chances to go to the beach earlier in the summer.  Plus it is such an ordeal to take the baby to the beach that it almost isn't worth it.  And he doesn't really care much for it at this point.  Next summer he will love it I'm sure because he will be running around by then.  I can't wait to see him running and playing in the sand and the waves.  He'll be so big then.  We did sit out on the deck and look out over the waterway in the mornings, drinking coffee and watching the boats go by.  Its absolutely relaxing, almost theraputic.  Overall it was a great weekend.  Emmett had a blast with his great-grandparents and Chris and I had some time alone.

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