Friday, November 19, 2010

Turn the channel to a medical show, STAT!

For a major part of my life I have been a fan of medical TV shows.  It probably started with ER, although I did not see that one through to the end.  Once all the original cast members starting leaving the show my interest went with them.  And its not just dramas.  One of my favorite shows of all time is Scrubs which is a comedy.  Although it was argued that Scrubs more acurately portrayed a real hospital than some of the other shows out there.  Right now I'm watching Grey's Anatomy reruns on Lifetime in order to get caught up to the current season.  I'm not sure what it is that draws me to these shows.  I do really like scrubs and wish I was in a career field where I could wear them every day.  Except that I hate doctors offices and hospitals and needles and blood and all the icky stuff that goes along with said careers.  What I would really like to do is teach medical classes.  Like childbirth classes and breastfeeding classes and basic baby care classes.  I would really like to be a lactation consultant.  However, you have to get your RN in order to do any of that.  And to get your RN you have to deal with the aforementioned icky stuff.  I'm not nearly as afraid of needles as I used to be before I gave birth.  After going through that, a small needle stick just doesn't seem like a big deal.  I'm still not getting a flu shot, but I have other reasons for that and I'll spare you my rant about it.  Anyway, in the meantime I will just live vicariously through the characters on the shows I watch and wish that I could do what they do. 


  1. You could always becoming a medical billing specialist. You typically still have to wear scrubs, but it's a completely different training set than nursing!

  2. Yeah, except that doesn't sound like fun at all. It sounds like you spend a lot of time sitting in a cubicle in front of a computer, which is my personal nightmare.
