Friday, February 10, 2012

Emmett's 2nd Birthday

Again, this post is happening way after the fact, consdering Emmett turned 2 on November 30.  But I don't want to miss documenting these things.

When we went in to his room to get him in the morning Chris and I both greeted him with "Happy Birthday!"  We had been asking him all week how old he was going to be, but he still didn't know when we asked him.  His presents were waiting for him on the coffee table in the living room when he got downstairs.  He got a handmade wood helicopter, a little electronic piano, and a car track with two battery powered jeeps that drive on it.  The track is flexible and can be rearranged different ways, complete with a bridge that the jeeps can go over and under.  He loved that.  It was nearly impossible to tear him away from it long enough to eat breakfast.

As mentioned in the previous post, the main event of the morning was his haircut.  Then we ate lunch at home and he took his usual nap.  After his nap we took him to the mall so he could ride the train.  He had been obsessed with the train for months and we decided his birthday was a good time to take a ride.  Chris rode the train with him while I took pictures.  Emmett had a huge smile on his face the whole time and Chris said he kept turning to him and saying "Fun!"

And after the ride we took him to the mall playground and just let him run around.  Here he is climbing up on an apple.

For dinner we took him to his all time favorite restaurant, Arby's.  He ate his all time favorite sandwich, a roast beef.  After that we went home so he could play with his new toys until bedtime.  I think he had a good day, at least I hope so.  We didn't do anything remarkable, we simply tried to make the day all about him.  I still can't believe that my baby boy is already 2 years old.  So far the terrible twos aren't too terrible.  He has his moments, but overall he is a really good kid.  We are lucky parents. 

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