Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This picture was taken about a month ago.  Emmett used to eat peas and carrots like a champ and I was one happy mama.  He also ate green beans just as well.  Since just after Christmas he stopped.  He refuses to eat any of the frozen veggies he was munching so well before.  However, he will eat baby food veggies from the jar, so I guess I can't complain too much.  I just wish I didn't need to buy baby food anymore considering I have a 13 month old who has 16 teeth.  Oh well, maybe the solid veggies will come back around.

Its possible that Emmett may not need two naps a day anymore.  Its been hard trying to decide if he's ready to give one up or not.  I work from 9:30 to 3:30 on Mondays and Tuesdays and on those days Emmett has been giving Nana a really hard time about going down for naps.  And some mornings he sleeps in until almost 8:00 so he's not always ready for a nap at 10:00.  He only took an afternoon nap for Nana on Monday and Tuesday and she said he did fine with that.  He didn't seem too cranky in the evening after getting up, and he still went to bed ok.  So today I was all set to try waiting until after lunch to put him down for a nap.  Well I heard him moving in his crib a little before 7:00 this morning, and I don't think he snoozed at all like he sometimes does.  A little after 10:00 he was getting fussy so I decided he must still need a nap this morning.  He fought it for just a minute and then he was out.  He's been alseep for over an hour now.  I guess today he will need two naps.  When I googled naps I read that while babies are transitioning from one nap to two, there will be a period of time where some days they will need two naps and other days just one.  That is going to be really difficult for me to deal with.  For the first almost 6 months of his life, Emmett had no nap schedule.  He slept whenever, wherever.  But around 6 months he fell into a pretty solid napping and nursing schedule and once that happened I got quite used to it.  I don't like to deviate from that schedule.  I think babies need consistency and they will be consistent with their behavior.  Emmett is such a happy kid, he rarely fusses, and I think that's because he knows what to expect in his day.  So its difficult for me to embrace the idea that some days the schedule may have to be different than other days.  And I'm not entirely sure that will work for Emmett either.  But I don't want to force him to take a nap when he doesn't really need one, nor do I want to force him to stay awake when he really needs a nap.  So I guess its back to unpredictability for a while.

Work is already back to "same old, same old" feeling.  The "new"ness wore off and its just something I get through until I can go home and be with Emmett.  I get my first paycheck Friday, so we'll see if its even worth it.

And I will leave you with another picture of my pride and joy :)

We got him that xylophone for Christmas, and he loves it!  But he tries to walk around with the mallet in his mouth, so then we have to put it up and he FREAKS out.

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