Friday, March 11, 2011


I know, its being used so much its starting to get cliche.  I don't know how to make an e with one of those little symbols over it like cliche should have.  So I will just have to hope everyone can figure it out :)

Well Emmett is already over his cold.  We only lost one night of sleep.  Sunday night he was up almost every hour and I was up with him.  No sooner would I get him rocked back to sleep and back in his crib and I would crawl back into my bed, and next thing you know, he'd be up again.  But Monday night he slept through the night, and he has been sleeping well the rest of the week.  His nose is almost cleared out, still a little snotty.  He did cough some with this cold, which is a first, but he seems to be over that too.  I just worry about coughing more because of all the lung issues he had when he was born.  I know that when we took him home from the hospital 15 months ago he had a clean bill of health and they said none of that would affect him in the long term.  But I am still just a little paranoid.  But really, he got over this cold faster than the last one, I couldn't have asked for any better unless he just never got a cold at all.

My parents are coming to visit this weekend.  I wish I had been able to ask off work tomorrow.  Oh well, its only 9:00 to noon.  But I'm excited!  I love having them here and Emmett loves seeing Grandma and Grandpa.  The weather is supposed to be pretty nice this weekend too, so that's good.  Hopefully we can spend some time outdoors.

Well I hear Emmett waking up from his nap.  That was almost 2 hours today, much better than yesterday when he woke up after just a little over an hour and was crabby afterwards.  He sound like he's in a good mood today.

I'm making shrimp a la creole for dinner tonight.  (Dang, another situation where I need an accent over a letter and I don't know to do it, this time the a.)  This recipe actually requires me to cut fresh vegetables, which is something I am usually never willing to do.  I am a lazy, reluctant cook.  I've actually never cut up a green pepper before.  I've seen it done, so I think I can handle it though.  And I also have cut an onion, and I'm thinking you have to peel off the outside layers or something like that.  Hmm...I better google that one.  Yeah...wish me luck!

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