Sunday, March 6, 2011


So I posted a lot more often this past week, even though I did not succeed at posting every day.  Of course once the weekend arrived I totally forgot about the blog.  We had a pretty good weekend, but I don't feel like getting into the details.  Plus we didn't really do anything special.  Just had plenty of good family time.

After being cold-free for the past week, Emmett is coming down with another cold.  I knew something was up when he woke up crying after napping for just 45 minutes today.  I managed to rock him back to sleep and he slept for maybe another 45 minutes before waking up crying again.  I didn't bother trying to get him back to sleep again.  Once he got up and started moving around he seemed fine so we didn't think anything of it.  Then as the afternoon and evening progressed I noticed his nose running slightly.  Again, I wasn't sure anything was wrong, but I began to wonder.  He also seemd to be sneezing a bit more than usual.  Then he started coughing every so often.  By the time his bath was over and we were putting him in his pajamas I was sure he was coming down with a cold.  He had trouble nursing at bedtime because he couldn't breathe through his nose.  After his best attempt at nursing (I'm not sure how much milk he actually got) he fell asleep fast.  But about 30 minutes after I put him down he woke up crying.  I went up and gave him some tylenol (babies under 2 can't take any cold medicine, so I figure the best I can do for him is give him tylenol to help him sleep) and rocked him back to sleep.  He's been down an hour now.  I've heard him moving some, but he hasn't cried since the last time.  Let's hope he stays asleep for the rest of the night now.  Its amazing how quickly you become spoiled when they start sleeping through the night.  When he was a newborn I called it a good night if he got up no more than three times.  Now if he wakes up at all I know its because something's wrong.  Well here's to hoping he gets over this one quickly.  I just feel so bad for him when he's sick.  I would gladly be sick in his place if I could.

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