Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Yesterday it rained all day.  When I stepped out of my air conditioned office I was looking forward to feeling the usual blast of heat...and I didn't.  I got a cool breeze instead, and it really took me by surprise.  I know its September, and it is supposed to start cooling off, I just wasn't quite prepared for that.  I came home and put on my long yoga pants intead of the capri length ones and I considered putting on socks because my feet were freezing.  But I hate wearing socks, so I didn't. 

This morning it was still relatively cool so I decided to take Emmett to the park.  The first one we went to was still muddy due to yesterdays rain because it really needs to be re-mulched.  So we drove on to a different one.  As usual, Emmett only played on the actual playground equipment for a few minutes before he got bored and started running.  There is a walking path around the park that he loves, so we took that, alternating between walking and running down the paved path.  We veered off the path a few times to explore different things he saw along the way.  He is a really curious kid, who isn't interested in things he's supposed to play with.  When it comes to toys, he plays with them, but he would much rather have a grown up item to play with.  He loves his toy cars and trucks, they are by far his favorite.  But he is way more excited by real cars and trucks that we see outside.  Sometimes I find myself wishing that he would want to swing or slide at the park, but then I think that I'm glad he's curious and wants to learn about things.  I'm glad he doesn't just accept what he's given, that he pushes for more, wants to go beyond the obvious and think outside the box.  I think this child is destined to do great things.

His vocabulary is growing every day, and he is starting to perfect the pronounciation of some of his words.  Yesterday evening when we were out for a walk, he saw a dog and said "doggy" with the "g" sound in the middle, as opposed to "doddy" as he used to say.  It used to sound the same as when he said "Daddy".  Chris and I just looked at each other when he said it, and we both said, "Did he just say 'doggy'?"  Then this morning at breakfast he pronounced "waffle" properly.  He used to say both "water" and "waffle" as "wadoo."  But today he said it clear as a bell.  I'm glad he's starting to not only hear the distinction between certain letter sounds, but also be able to say them correctly. 

For Labor Day weekend we went to the beach for the last time this summer.  It was a good weekend.  We waited until about 4:00 on Saturday and Sunday to go out on the beach to avoid the brightest sun.  It was nice because I didn't even have to put sunscreen on myself, and even though I put it on Emmett, I didn't worry so much about missing a spot.  We ate well all weekend and drank a few beers, and I'm determined that after this weekend I am going to watch what I eat and exercise more.  I have gained a few more pounds back, and I'm not happy about it.  Emmett enjoyed the beach as usual, running up and down the beach and right into the waves with wild abandon.  I had to run full speed after him to catch him before he got in too deep because the waves would knock him off his feet in a second.  Between his great-grandparents, his grandparents, and us, it really did seem like it took all 6 adults to keep up with him.  Am I sure I want another child?  Yes, but I have to admit that the thought scares me slightly.  Right now I am loving life as it is, enjoying my baby boy while its just him and me during the day.  Things couldn't be better with him right now...I get a full night's sleep every night, I can lay in bed for a while in the morning just listening to him talking in his crib, I can throw him in the car at a moment's notice and head off wherever I need to go, I have 2 hours every afternoon while he's napping to do whatever I want.  If we have another baby, all of that goes bye bye.  I remind myself of this whenever I get in a hurry.

I'm excited about the approach of fall and all that comes with it: football, cool temperatures, pretty leaves, Halloween, apples and caramel, the Renaisance Festival, and later Thanksgiving and Emmett's birthday.  This season used to be the precursor to my winter depression, but I just don't feel that way about it anymore.  After having Emmett I am just a different person in a lot of ways, and I couldn't be happier.

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