Friday, May 20, 2011

Living for today

Woke up this morning and the weather was beautiful.  So I decided Emmett and I would get around and go to the park.  We got dressed and sunscreened and we were out the door.  I'm so glad I found this closer playground than the others we had been frequenting.  It just doesn't make sense to drive 15 minutes across town just to play for an hour and a half or less.  Usually that's all the time we have in the morning by the time we get up, eat breakfast, and get around to leave the house. 

Emmett and I had a good time.  We climbed, we slid, we swang, we walked, we ran.  Emmett snacked on some raisins (which are probably his favorite food right now) and drank some water.  There was another family there, a couple with 2 year old twins, a boy and a girl.  They were so cute, but just watching them made me appreciate having just one.  There are moments that I strongly consider stopping with one.  But I want to experience it all one more time.  And I loved having a brother (most of the time) when I was growing up and I love having a brother now.  Of course if my parents had decided to stop with one, I wouldn't exist to know what life would have been like as an only child. 

But that family at the park today really put things into perspective for me.  Lately I had been getting caught up with worrying about how we will ever be able to afford to have another baby.  I worry so much about the future sometimes that I forget to be happy with what I have now.  These days that Emmett and I spend together just the two of us are precious because it won't always be like this.  And these days as a little family of three are precious too.  I love eating dinner together at the kitchen table every night and I enjoy the rare occasions that we go out to eat.  I love sitting on the couch with Emmett in between us reading books or watching Wheel of Fortune.  I love giving him a bath together and reading him a bedtime story.  Last night I was wondering out loud with Chris about what we used to do with our time before we had Emmett.  Its like I can't even remember what life was like without him.  But I do know one thing, life is much much better with him!

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