Thursday, August 12, 2010

Its always something

So today we had a recurrence of an old breastfeeding issue: biting.  Emmett had an issue with biting a few months ago that only lasted a day before he learned a very simple concept: biting = no milk.  Today we had to revisit that concept and it seems as if it sunk in once again.  And it figures, we just got over an issue with slow let down and things were going good for a while.  Man, it sure hurts.  And it just creates a negative atmosphere for both of us.  It makes me so nervous when I go to feed him that I literally sweat from fear of being bitten.  And he feels frustrated because he doesn't understand what he's doing and why his food is being taken away.  Breastfeeding is usually such a wonderful bonding experience that creates a mutual sense of comfort and happiness, and biting can ruin that so quickly.  I just wish I knew what made him start biting out of nowhere and how to make him understand that he needs to stop.  Last time it was right in the middle of when he popped out a bunch of teeth in a matter of days, so there's a good chance its teething.  He managed to nurse at bedtime tonight without biting, so let's hope we're making progress.

Watching some preseason NFL tonight.  No surprise, Carolina is losing to Baltimore.  I can't wait for the real season to start.  Maybe Pittsburgh will make it to the Super Bowl again.

Well I'm starting to fall asleep while typing so I'm off to bed.  E woke up at 2:30 again last night for some reason.  Now that he sleeps through the night most of the time, when he gets up even once it makes me feel really tired the next day.


  1. Curiosity killed the cat...probably just wanted to know how it would feel/your reaction, etc...

  2. this is why i am sort of glad finn doesn't have any teeth yet! he does bite down sometimes with his gums, but thankfully not with razor sharp little chompers!

  3. Yeah, I definitely was not pleased to see that first tooth pop through at 3 months. He now has 8. The 4 front teeth on top and bottom.
