Due date is Sunday. So far, nothing's happening. I'm getting really impatient. I'm hot and uncomfortable. And I'm anxious. If I go past due, the chances of having another c-section increase. No one will give me a straight answer about induction. One doctor says that research has been released stating it is safe to induce labor using pitocin in a VBAC attempt, but that the hospital's official stance is that they won't allow it. Another doctor says that it may be possible but that the hospital doesn't like to do it. The OBGYN doctor we consulted with says that they prefer you go into labor on your own to attempt a VBAC. The risk is one in 2,000 that the uterus could rupture at the previous incision, resulting in an emergency c-section.
Other factors that a VBAC hinges on:
1. baby's position - head down: check
2. baby's size: so far not too big, but head measured large at 37 week ultrasound - not a deal breaker
So if I go past due, I just don't know what I want to do. I want to avoid a c-section if possible, so I don't want to just schedule it for the day after my due date. I am not sure if I want to be induced, because the chances are higher that my uterus could rupture. And I'm not sure they will allow that anyway. But the longer I go past due, the bigger the baby could get, making it less likely that his head will fit through my pelvis, which was the problem with my first labor and delivery. I just want to go into labor naturally sometime between now and Sunday. I'm beginning to feel pretty stressed about it. I have my regular doctor's appointment tomorrow. At my 38 week appointment I was still one centimeter dilated just as I was at 37 weeks. Another disadvantage to going past due is that I will be required to go to the hospital for non-stress tests every 2 days or so until the baby comes. That is not only inconvenient, but expensive since insurance only covers part of those just like everything else.
Reasons why I feel stressed about having another c-section:
1. pain - I was in severe pain for the first 2 days after having the c-section, to the point where I couldn't even walk down to the NICU to see my baby. Took me almost 24 hours after to be able to climb into a wheelchair in order to go see him. Was able to walk by the afternoon of the 3rd day. Was discharged on the 4th day while my baby remained in the NICU, and at that time I was unable to bend over far enough to pick something up off of the floor. Pain also made breastfeeding difficult, as it was nearly impossible for me to the hold the baby, even with a nursing pillow, in the necessary position.
2. risks to the baby - when Emmett was born by c-section he ended up with a lot of fluid in his lungs, as well as meconium. This resulted in a 5 day stay in the NICU and then another 5 day stay in pediatrics getting antibiotics. Babies who are squeezed through the birth canal the traditional way get a lot of that fluid squeezed out naturally.
3. fear of epidural without being in any previous pain - not really excited about the prospect of a needle in my spine when I feel perfectly fine. It was nothing compared to the pain of contractions, but to go in cold and just get a needle in my spine doesn't sound too good.
Reasons why I feel stressed about having a VBAC:
1. risk of uterin rupture - could cause me pain and all sorts of other complications. Could cause the baby to be at risk for all sorts of complications as well.
2. stresses to the baby as a result of the pushing - Emmett had severe bruises (hematoma) on his head from the 2.5 hours of pushing. Also, being in the birth canal for such a long labor may have been the cause of the fluid and meconium in his lungs.
I really hate waiting. I hate having all of this out of my control. And I hate the fact that ultimately, I'm going to have to make a really difficult decision if I don't go into labor by Sunday. I really had no idea how difficult it is to have another baby after having your first child by c-section. Who would have thought?